Friday, 3 March 2017

Outfit of the Day

The weather has been pretty unpredictable lately with the Doris storm (in the Uk), however the sun did come out and we had a few lovely days. Although just when I thought we may not need all the layers, the weather has let us down again as usual and it’s been wet and cold. Hence the full-on layers, though I’m not complaining as I love layering my outfits up, it’s the one good thing about horrible winter weather.

As you can see from my Instagram I love layering and do nothing but! As the weather gets better I will try to mix up my style and wear less baggy clothes as I am far too comfortable wearing oversized clothes, but hey there is nothing wrong with that!

White top: H&M
Black cami: New look
Ripped jeans: topshop
Coat: Forever 21
Cross over bag: Calvin Klein
Boots: Primark
Necklace: Folli Follie

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you got some outfit ideas if you are living somewhere with as miserable weather as me! Do not worry though as I will have some spring outfit ideas very soon.
Question of the day; What is your favourite piece in your wardrobe? Love from Tishhlah x


  1. I love this outfit! Especially the jacket- it might help if you live link the pages of where you can purchase the different parts of your outfit so that we can start to collect some stylish pieces too! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Being fashionable in the cold is something I have to really practice and master. I adore all the fashionable New Yorkers in the winter time. Your jacket is fantastic and definitely the key piece! I love it! As for my wardrobe--I love a good pair of shorts!

    1. Thank you so much, I know whenever it gets really cold i want to wear everything to stay warm! Definitely brings colour to my outfit, wish it was warm enough here to wear shorts all of the time :)

  3. First off, I love your pics and your coat is absolutely gorgeous! I never would have guessed it was F21.
    My favorite piece varies by the season. It is winter here, and I practically live in my black velvet pants. I can dress it up or down and they are far more comfy than any jeans I own.

    1. Thank you, i know i was on the hunt for it for ages! Ooh they sound so stylish, i love things you can dress different ways and it needs to be comfy! :)

  4. I love how you layered the vest top over the long sleeved top - a nice way to wear it in the winter. My favourite item in my wardrobe is anything that I wear in the summer! I'm so excited for the weather to warm up. Shorts and pretty strappy tops all the way!

    1. Thank you, Yes i way too obbsessed with layering! However i totally agree, i am so excited for the sun and want it to be summer already. Sounds really good :)

  5. I love the layered look and the heart pendant is a perfect accent. Yoga pants and leggings are my favorite go to wardrobe staple.

    1. Thank you, it was a gift from my boyfriend! That is what i live in when i can't be bothered to get dressed nicely, So comfy yet fitted, effortless :)

  6. I like your complete outfit. But particularly the jacket. That is the best...

  7. LOVE this outfit girl! x

  8. I love the coat and the trousers. I think you did well incorporating this outfit. Well done!

  9. Such a beautiful outfit. I love this look.


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