Juniper aims to inspire and motivate creativity inside young minds. The publication is driven by creative freedom and the inspiration around them. It aims to showcase new artists, writers and everyday talented people. Juniper is more than just a magazine it is a place to inspire and drive people to do what they love.
Someone said something to me the other day that stuck with me ‘we need more woman like you who aren’t afraid to talk about what it is like as a female in business and if you want something, you have to go out and get it.' That is exactly what I did. At first, I made the magazine for me and my university course as that is something I have always wanted to do. In hopes I could share these amazing contributors’ talent; in order to inspire creativity within. Of course I could not have done It without the contributors and being able to work together creating shoots and sharing their amazing work could not make me prouder. However I never realised I would be here selling it, if that would even be possible, if anyone would ever want to read it. Something I had to do was back and believe in myself which takes courage and strength. I have always believed in others and people I know when I may not even believe in myself.
The self-publication industry can be seen as ‘dying’ because everything is online, which can make it even more competitive and difficult to enter. Yet I adore having something physical in my hand or on my shelf whilst being able to flick through the pages of something I love. Not to mention print is an incredibly expensive thing meaning it would be impossible to break even. I did not set out to make money, but I did not want to break my own bank in the process. Although that did not stop me there, I recreated the whole magazine into an A5 size (originally A4 size) and had to cut some things out in order to bring costs down to make it affordable for many. It took months of me going into the document every day, even when it had been finished for months, constantly changing and tweaking small things until I was completely happy with it. It is still hard for me to look at without seeing things I would change (really need to stop being so hard on myself).
Now for the cheesy part to empower some drive within. If you are thinking of doing something, but something is stopping you, do it. You will not get anywhere or know where you could be until you try. You will not get anywhere if once you are knocked down, you don't get back up. Sometimes you cannot see where something will go or see an easy way, however the best things are never easy. Something that is worth it, is worth putting all the effort you have in, even when things go wrong. If you set your mind to something, you will achieve it or something better will come along. You are amazing and can achieve more than you know.
Feel free to check out the instagram for more information, inside contents and leaks of issue 01 @juniper_magazine_or to even purchase issue 01.